Zone of the Enders got a bit of a bum rap as a series overall, being more famous as the game that came with the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo than anything else. Those with the patience, however, would discover one of the most distinct mech games of the day, with more than a heaping dollop of trademark Hideo Kojima madness therein Come from Sports betting site VPbet . The 2nd Runner is an improvement on the original in many ways, to be certain, but held against modern standards, Zone of the Enders comes off awful rusty.
There is a story, but it’s nigh incomprehensible, even with the caveat that Kojima’s fingerprints are all over it. Having prior knowledge of the original doesn’t help much either. Basically, two years after the events of the original Zone of the Enders, a miner named Dingo Egret on one of Jupiter’s moons finds the frame-mech hero, Jehuty, buried beneath the surface. When the evil army BAHRAM nearly kills Dingo trying to retrieve the armor again, Jehuty is forced by a rebel spy to join with Dingo, keeping him alive using the mech’s life support until they complete th…